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Thursday, May 20, 2010


There just never seems to be enough time in the day to get every thing done that we need to get done.  We live in a very fast paced world so saving a few minutes here and there can really add up and make all the difference in the world.  Here are some tips that may help you to save some time and make your days a little bit easier.

  1. Have a Plan - When planning grocery store trips, try to keep them down to once or twice a week instead of going several times a week.  Try planning your meals a week ahead of time and make a list.  By making a list and sticking to it, you can save time AND money.  And try to avoid going to the store hungry.  We tend to buy on impulse when we are hungry.
  2. Delegate Responsibilities - Children live in the house too so there is no reason why they can't help out.  Make a chore list with a list of their responsibilities.  If they make a mess, have them clean it.  Have them pick up after themselves.  When they are done playing, have them clean up whatever toys they have taken out, etc.
  3. Make an Upstairs Pile - If you live in a 2 story house, this can be very useful.  If you know you will be going up and down the stairs throughout the day, try putting things in a pile (or basket) and just taking everything at once.  Limiting your trips up and down the stairs will not only save time, but will also save some much needed energy you will need to complete your day!
  4. Turn Off the TV - Turn off the TV and turn on the radio.  The TV can be a big distraction for us and our kids.  And music can be very motivating!
  5. Incorporate Exercise into Your Daily Life - Try to include exercise into your family activities.  By doing this, you don't have to try to squeeze in extra time for exercise.
  6. Time Activities - Give yourself a set amount of time to do certain (not every day tasks) things around the house.  Set a timer if you have to.  If you want to clean out your closet, try to give yourself an hour a day to work on this and it will eventually get done.  It can be very easy to start a project like this and let it monopolize your entire day.
  7. Limit Volunteer Work - Often times at the beginning of the school year, (for example) we get notices asking for volunteers for certain activities.  No one is saying that you shouldn't help out at the school, but try to limit just how much you commit to and don't be afraid to say "No."  We really do overextend ourselves sometimes.  Side Note:  I normally don't commit to anything at the beginning of the school year.  I will volunteer at the last minute because I never know when another one of my children might be sick or what might happen, in the future, that I have no control over.  This way, I don't have to end up canceling.
  8. Combine Appointments - If one of the kids are due for their check up, try getting all of the kids in at the same time.  (I always combine appointments when I can.)
  9. Get Help - Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.  Ask your husband to take the kids out for a few hours so you can get some things done or just to have a little time to yourself.  If you can get a head start on the laundry, it can leave you more time for the family later on in the day!
  10. Take a Nap - Power naps can help you just to get re-energized.  There are many documented benefits to just taking a break for half an hour, whether it is to sleep or just unwind.
Mothers often times try to be super woman.  No matter what you do, there will always be challenges where motherhood is concerned, but there are things that you can do to try to make your daily life more manageable.

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts. The "incorporating exercise" is one of the toughest for me. I pretty much have to mentally block out a time in my day for it or it just doesn't get done!
