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Tuesday, May 11, 2010


We spend so much time taking care of everyone else, that we sometimes forget that MOMS need a little bit of R&R sometimes too.  The better we are (physically and emotionally), the better we can be for our families. 

10 Ways to Indulge Yourself:
  1. GO OUT and get a cup of coffee.  (This is one of my personal favorites.)  I love to physically leave the house to get a good cup of coffee.  I love my coffee and I love the quiet time!
  2. When the kids are in school, go to one of those non-kid-friendly stores and browse.  It is so nice to go to one of those stores without having to constantly worry that one of the kids might actually touch something!  Plus, you don't have the kids or the hubby rushing you out of the store either!  You can simply relax and browse at your leisure.
  3. Get a gym membership!  Exercise is great for the mind and body.  It is a great stress reliever!
  4. Get up early, make some coffee and surf the web in total silence!!
  5. Meet a friend for coffee or lunch.  I love getting together with a good girlfriend and catching up!
  6. Paint your finger/toe nails.  May sound simple and silly, but I can't tell you how much better I feel about wearing a pair of flip flops after my toes are painted!
  7. Take a half day from work and catch a movie!  This would be a perfect time for you to watch one of those chick flicks that you could never drag hubby to!
  8. Take a long hot bubble bath.  Try including a nice glass of wine and some candles!  Tell hubby that the kids are his for an hour and lock the door!  Then add something that smells really nice to the bath water, enjoy the ambiance and relax!!
  9. Ask your husband to take the kids out for a bit (maybe to the park or to eat) and stay behind to catch up on your shows that you DVR'd during the week, but haven't had a chance to watch!
  10. Buy something for yourself!  It doesn't matter what or how little you might spend.  I could spend $10 on something for myself, but yet I am still excited just to have something new that I will be able to use.  A good one for me is health and beauty products.  There are no second chances with our skin so I really enjoy buying new things to help take care of myself and my skin.
As mothers (or even just as women period), we spend a lot of time taking care of others.  We really do forget about ourselves a lot of the time but I have learned that taking care of ourselves is just as important as anything else that we do.  So don't forget to indulge yourself!!!!

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